things you may need
Business & Facilitys
Within 1-3 miles
Co-op Creagorry - General Foodstuff etc
Dark Island Hotel - Hotel, Restaurant and Bar (ring ahead)
Creagorry Garage - Fuel, Repairs, Vehicle Hire
Lovats - Fresh Foods, General Grocery, Post Office and more 01870 610340
Carnon Stores - Household, Animal Foodstuff call 01870 610205
Liniclate Sports Centre - Swimming Pool and Gym
Puffin Studio Crafts - Local crafts and Arts 01870 603885
SALAR Smokehouse - a couple of miles further but well worth it, dont miss out
Hebridean Jewellery - beautiful pieces made here on the islands, and a coffee shop
Within 5 - 6 miles ( in and around Balavinich itself)
Uist Hardware - Home, Garden, DIY and much more
Maclennans Supermarket - Fresh foods, Grocery and much more
Lovats - Fresh Foods, General Grocery, Post Office and more
Westside Motors - Vehicle recovery and repairs, Fuel 24 hours, Car Wash and Air 01870 602191
Bank of Scotland - Cash Point and Counter Service
Stepping Stones Restaurant - call 01870 603377 to book a table
Chinese Takeaway - 01870 602993, call and collect, no delivery
McGillivray Gifts and Crafts - Gifts, Crafts and a lot more
a little further out of Balavanich, but of note
Charlie's Bistro and Bothy - Food and great rooms a little further out but of note
Macleans Bakery - Butchers, Bakery fresh made Island delights and more 01870 602659
VOOVE - Info tech, gifts, plugs, cables pretty much anything you can think of 01870 602108
Lady Anne Boats Tours ! Grimsay, talk to Nick or Nye, 01870 602403 Incredible opportunity to see lots of wildlife including Sea Eagles!